Joined the company in April 2024: Aoi Fujita

Aoi Fujita

What motivated you to join our company?

I decided to join the company because of the employees’ smiles and the positive atmosphere.

Since middle school, I’ve always enjoyed tinkering with computers and smartphones, and I wanted to pursue a career related to them. Among the various job openings and company tours I explored, CDR Eco-movement stood out the most.

When I visited the company, I was struck by the positive atmosphere among the employees. Everyone was so friendly and seemed genuinely happy, and I thought it would be a great place to work. Seeing everyone smiling and chatting made me think, “This is a nice place.”

I’ve always wanted to work with something I love, and being able to turn my passion for computers and smartphones into a job feels incredibly fortunate.

After joining the company, have there been any differences from your initial expectations?

Aoi Fujita

The workplace is much friendlier and easier to communicate in than I had expected before joining the company.

Compared to the tour, I’ve found that the communication is even more relaxed than I initially thought, not only among employees but also between temporary staff and employees.

Overall, I’ve noticed that everyone is very friendly and has strong communication skills. People are kind and fun to talk to. Even those who seemed intimidating at first have gradually opened up. Although some still seem a bit scary, I’ve come to realize they’re actually kind. My initial impressions have changed significantly.

I originally thought the job would mainly involve working with computers. After joining, I discovered that we also handle servers and multifunction devices, which was a refreshing revelation. These are things I don’t usually encounter in daily life, making them intriguing and sparking my interest.

Can you tell us about your current duties in your assigned department?

Aoi Fujita

I am responsible for tasks such as data erasure, picking, and unpacking.

I’m assigned to the PC rental team, where I’m responsible for data wiping, picking items for shipment, and unpacking tasks.

There are times when I have to handle heavy items, which can be challenging, especially since I’m not used to physical exercise, making it even more strenuous for me.

Seeing the number of data wiping tasks I handle gradually increase gives me a sense of accomplishment and growth. Our team encourages personal innovation, so I can discuss and experiment with ideas with my seniors. I believe I can still improve my work speed and increase the number of tasks I handle as I continue to refine my skills.

What are your future dreams and goals?

I want to become a person who can proudly call themselves a professional.

Aoi Fujita

Firstly, I want to become someone who can proudly call themselves a “professional.” However, I’m still in the process of forming my own image of what a “professional” is. By learning from the words and actions of my senior colleagues, I aim to create and achieve that image.

Unlike when I was a student, I now bear full responsibility for my actions, so I approach my work with a sense of seriousness. It’s a given to be respectful to clients and counterparts, but I believe being a “professional” also involves building mutually respectful relationships.

I aspire to become someone who fosters happy and equal relationships, rather than creating one-sided dynamics where others feel disadvantaged or have to compromise.

Staff Interview