Joined the company in April 2024: Toma Haruka

Toma Haruka

What motivated you to join our company?

I decided to join the company because I was attracted to the safe and supportive work environment.

The primary reason I applied was that I frequently use smartphones in my daily life, and I found a job posting related to this interest.

When I visited the company, the employees were very kind, and I felt that I could work here with peace of mind. Although I was nervous, their warm welcome helped me relax. The most memorable experience was seeing the large equipment, specifically the smartphone automatic recycling device ‘C-DreAm’.

After joining the company, have there been any differences from your initial expectations?**

Toma Haruka

It’s a workplace where cooperation with those around you is very important. The senior colleagues are kind and teach with great care.

I initially thought it would be a workplace where I could work quietly on my own, but I found out that cooperation with others is necessary, especially when moving heavy items or handling products. There was a gap between my expectations and reality, but it hasn’t been stressful because my seniors are very kind and considerate.

During the period between receiving my job offer and officially joining, I received a heartfelt message from my senior colleagues. While it made me feel very welcomed, I was also worried about how things might change after joining. However, after joining, I realized that my concerns were unnecessary as everyone remained kind and supportive.

Can you tell us about your current duties in your assigned department?

Toma Haruka

I am primarily responsible for data erasure. I also create work procedures and diagrams.

I work mainly in a team responsible for data erasure. Given the critical nature of our role, I feel a lot of pressure in my work.

I enjoy creating clear and understandable work procedures and diagrams. I have been complimented by my senior colleagues for my quick documentation skills, which makes me happy. In my private time, I also enjoy drawing, so I think this helps me express my ideas effectively.

What are your future dreams and goals?

In the future, I would like to work on compiling procedures and rules into documentation.

Toma Haruka

Firstly, I want to fully understand my current work and be able to perform it accurately and carefully without making mistakes.

In the future, I hope to create manuals and procedural documents that are easy to understand for anyone. Currently, there are no instructional materials, and everything is taught orally, making it challenging to remember everything. For the sake of future junior employees, I want to create clear and comprehensible documentation.

Staff Interview